Kalene Gamble

Simply Beautiful

· It's Time ·

July 20, 2016 0 Comments 3 Photos

In this crazy busy world it's time to put your head back, smell the flowers and feel simply beautiful!

When I first moved into my home I had high hopes of creating the “Garden of Eden”! And so I set out on a journey to plant a variety of plants and foliage that would please the senses, protect and cure my aching body and lift my spirits when I was down! I headed to the local nursery and picked out a few favorites, Jupiter’s Beard, Shasta Daisy’s, Echinachea, Roses, Day Lillie’s, and Black Eyed Susan’s. The variety was vast and I was thrilled. I bought seeds and threw my hands up…. my heart was happy and my faith was sure!

A few years have past my family of plants have grown and multiplied to the point that I am literally throwing my hands up! Some days feeling over whelmed with the amount of gardening I have to do. But my heart soars knowing that from love and a tiny seed the most beautiful of gifts can be right in my own front yard. I have to laugh because my sisters are just like me, in fact I recall my brother-in-law saying we move plants around the yard like most women re-arrange furniture! What a fabulous way to mark the years! A yellow rose bush came from Grandma, and blanket flower from a sister and now I can even say my daughter has given me a start from one of her cherished soil babies! Yes the “Garden of Eden” exists! Through family, tradition, and the beauty of the earth! Throw your head back, breathe in the aroma of a glorious bouquet; and your hands up in celebration! Kalene

Front yard Lillies

Kalene Gamble